Gastronomic Restaurant in Reims
It is in the heart of Reims that Benjamin Andreux and Delphin Cornaille
invite you to enjoy an immersive and impactful culinary experience. The principle is simple: take a seat at the table, let yourself be guided by our blind menus and admire the waltz in the room.
Gastronomic Restaurant
in Reims
It is in the heart of Reims that Benjamin Andreux and Delphin Cornaille invite you to enjoy an immersive and impactful culinary experience. The principle is simple: take a seat at the table, let yourself be guided by our
blind menus and admire the waltz in the room.
Sharing & Discovery
It all started with a meeting between two enthusiasts, one by gastronomy, the other by sommelier.
Benjamin et Delphin sont deux philanthropes à la générosité sans limite, animés par le partage et la découverte, ils ont décidé de s’unir, afin de vous présenter leur univers, et de partager avec vous, leurs passion